Track Flags

Find out what each flag on the track means.
Green flag

Green Flag

Cautions lifted. Resume at speed. When displayed, the green flag indicated that the course is clear, and that the session or race is underway. The green flag is ordinarily shown only by the Starter.

Yellow flag

Yellow Flag

Standing or Waving Yellow - Take care, danger, slow down, and NO PASSING FROM THE FLAG until past the emergency area or the next flag station not displaying a yellow flag. Full Course Yellow (Race Sessions) - Indicates the entire course is under yellow flag conditions. All drivers slow to 80% speed but no slower, except when passing the incident or an emergency vehicle where additional cuation is required. Speed Ventures will release a pace car to gather and control the speed of the field. Drivers Seperated from the lead pack should drive at 80% speed until caught up.

Red flag

Red Flag

Displayed at each station and on the Starter's stand. EXTREME DANGER - THE SESSION HAS BEEN STOPPED. Carefully come to an immediate, controlled stop checking your mirrors to make sure drivers behind you are also slowing. Stop in a clearly visible location giving other drivers space in case they miss the flag. Stop at the side of the race track, preferable off-line and within sight of a staffed flag station. Stay in car with helmet on, chinstrap buckled, seatbelt or hardness attached, and engine running. You may proceed to the pits when the red flag changes to a black flag.

Black flag

Black Flag

Used either to get a single driver to come back to the grid or, when waiving at all sations, to clear the track of all cars. Exit the track at the next put opportunity. For Black Fall All", return to grid and await the restart of your session. Open Black - Displayed at an individual car: Proceed directly to the hot pits or the location previously desginated by the Event Coordinator. DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER LAP. Open/Waving Black Displayed at All Stations - The session has beens topped; all cars must proceed directly and immediately, at first opportunity, to the hot pits.

Checkered flag

Checkered Flag

Session is over. Complete cool-down lap and return to pits. NOTE: do not lift off the gas until you're well past the finish line as drivers behind you may be trying to finish a fast final lap. Displayed at Start/Finish to indicate that the session or race is finished. Do not slow when you see the flag OR after you cross Start/Finish. Maintain full speed until the end of the straightaway before beginning cool-down pace. Cool-down pace should be 80% speed, full control but no slower, in order to clear the track quickly. NOTE: Point-by passing is allowed on the checkered flag lap.

Red / Yellow flag

Red / Yellow Flag

Indicates that there is a change in the surface of the racetrack, typically alerting you to the presence of oil, fluid, rocks or car parts on or near the driving line. Take care. A splippery conditione exists, or debris is present on the racing surface. This flag is displayed standing. The surface flag is generally held for one or two laps only. If the flag reappears at the same station(s), drivers should assume there is a new surface condition.

Black / Orange flag

Black / Orange Flag

Your car may have mechanical problems. If smoke or leaks are detected, check your mirrors, pull safely off the racing line and come to a stop in a safe place and await help. If no smoke or leaks are detected, return to have your car checked. There is a mechanical problem with the car. If your car is smoking and/or possibly leaking fluid onto the track, pull offline immediately and come to a stop in a safe location within sight of a flag station. Otherwise, proceed directly to the hot pits or the paddock. DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER LAP.

White flag

White Flag

Standing or Waving White - Take care for a slow moving car, ambulance, or other emergency vehicle on the racing surface. The standing flag is displayed for 2 flag stations prior to the vehicle in question when possible. Waving White - In wheel-to-wheel races only, when displayed at Start only, the waving white shall indicate the start of the final lap of the race. White and Yellow - When displayed together, drivers should proceed with extra caution. The yellow flag generally signals a disabled car(s) while the white flag signals that an emergency vehicle, or other slow moving vehicle, is on track.

Blue / Yellow flag

Blue / Yellow Flag

In a club setting like Speed Ventures, this flag suggests you check your mirrors as you may be holding up a faster car that wants to pass. Another driver is following very closely or is trying to overtake. This flag may be displayed standing or waving, depending upon the speed differential. In HPDE sessions, drivers must heed the Blue flag by allowing the faster vehicle to pass as soon as it is safe to do so.