***ATTENTION: Updated COVID-19 protocols for this event: PASSENGERS are allowed on track, must be 18 or over and not applicable to first time drivers. There will be NO gate fee for drivers. There is a $10 gate fee for all others entering the facility, and the grandstands above the suites are open. Garages are shared, one half of a bay each. ***
LOCATION:Auto Club Speedway is located at 9300 Cherry Ave., Fontana, CA 92335. Use the main entrance on Cherry Ave. and, once through the gate, drive to the left side of the Speedway and then curve right to enter the tunnel which takes you into the infield of the track.
ARRIVAL TIME: A schedule will be emailed to you a day or two prior to the event. Plan to show up at the track 60-90 minutes before your first session and go straight to Registration in Garage 2 (G2), the second garage, to check in. Please check in BEFORE unloading or working on your car.
GARAGES: Garages are assigned the morning of the event on a first come/first served basis. If you are a group of 5 or more, let us know in advance and we'll do our best to put your group together ahead of time.
GASOLINE: 98oct and 112oct fuel can only be pumped into full race vehicles and will not be sold to drivers with streetable cars. Gas jugs must be labeled "RACING FUEL for USE IN COMPETITION VEHICLES ONLY". Make sure you show up with enough gas to run your first session at least! There will be no gas available until 8:45am. The schedule for gas is on the hour, every hour until 4pm. The attendant will only wait for 10 minutes to sell gas. Gas is available using CASH ONLY. Speed Ventures does not guarantee that race fuel will be available. If it is critical to running your car, you might consider bringing your own.
LOADING IN the day before: If you want to unload on Friday night, you must notify us in advance and we will let you know if it is possible (it is 99% of the time) and let you know the hours available for loading in (usually 4pm-7pm, but sometimes 6pm-7pm). We must give your name to security to grant you access. Saturday load in is possible all day up until 6pm (gates lock at 7pm).
CAMPING: Due to the added cost of security we will only allow camping if enough people are willing to chip in to cover the costs. If we get enough people willing to pay for camping, we can possibly add security. If you would like to help make camping available, please hit reply and let us know.
CAR NUMBERS: You must have car numbers, at least 8" tall, located on both sides and either the front or back of your vehicle. This is mandatory for all drivers.
TOW HOOKS or a suitable TOW POINT are required on the FRONT of your car (and recommended on the rear) . If you do not have a tow hook or tow point established for the front of your car, please figure out a tow point we can use in order to pull you off track in the event of a mechanical problem. You are responsible for establishing a tow point - Speed Ventures is not responsible for any damage done to your car.
TRANSPONDERS: If you forget to turn in your transponder at the conclusion of an event, you will be responsible for shipping it back ASAP. See the FAQ section at http://www.speedventures.com/Faqs/Default.aspx for shipping instructions. In addition, a $20 administration fee may be charged to process your return.
The TECH FORM is a must-have at the event. Be sure to print it out, fill it out before the event, and bring it with you to registration: https://www.speedventures.com/events/tech.pdf
There is also a track event CHECKLIST available if you're not sure what you should bring: https://www.speedventures.com/Events/trackchecklist.doc
See our FAQ for answers to the most commonly-asked questions: https://www.speedventures.com/Faqs